Meeting Minutes, September 13, 2016

Flying FOOLZ Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2016 at Beef O’Brady’s

Attendees: Pat & Jim Connell, Steve & Barb Flynn, Karen (Peaches) Jones, Bill & Karen Sharpe, Gary & Jan Tukeva Emrick, Dan Reynolds, Bob Fry, Rusty Swartzfager, and Steve Bensinger & Sue Vartanian

Meeting called to order 7:40pm.

Treasurer Report  Steve B. reported (for Vic) that the club bank balance is still $4432.71.

Fly-in on September 24th  Club members who will not be available on that date: Karen Sharpe, Jan Tukeva Emrick, Pat Connell, Mike & Marilyn Page. However, Pat says that her sister Betty will be there. Bob Fry and Roger Evans will also help.

May not need to use the FOOLZ Area Rapid Transit at this breakfast.

Fly-in on October 29th  The membership still likes the idea of having an “airport crawl” and/or poker run since the Bob White airport's is on the same day. We would like to invite the Osborn airport to be the 3rd stop. Steve B. will contact Dave Dixon (at Bob White), and Keith Klinger (at Osborn) to see if it can be arranged.

Other business:

  • Jim & Pat reported that former city manager Vince Ruano has a trust fund for sponsoring new pilots that he would like to discontinue. Vince is trying to see if he (and its board members) can donate the money (approx. $8,000) to our club. Vic Chewning, club treasurer, e-mailed that it would be fairly easy to open a new account that is 501(c)(3) compliant. (501(c)(3) is an educational organization; the club is currently 503(c)(7), a social organization.)
  • Motion made and seconded that the club convert to 501(c)(3). Motion passed.
  • More discussion about possible use of monies. Determined that the club doesn’t need any equipment right now. Suggestions offered: donate to Lakeland Aero Club; donate to Pilots for Paws (Jan will research).

Meeting adjourned 8:12pm.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 11th 7pm at new location:

GrantLee’s restaurant

1969 W. C.R 476

Bushnell FL 33513

Future Fly-Ins (from website with calendar):

  • September 24th, 2016 9:00-11:00 AM at Flying W Air Ranch (9FL1)
  • October 29th, 2016 9:00-11:00 AM at Flying W Air Ranch (9FL1)

Other up-coming events:

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