Meeting Minutes, October 11, 2016

Flying FOOLZ Meeting Minutes

October 11, 2016 at Coyote Rojo

Attendees: Pat & Jim Connell, Karen (Peaches) Jones, Bill & Karen Sharpe, Jan Tukeva Emrick, Dan Reynolds, Mike Page, Bob Fry, Rusty Swartzfager, Tom Steinmetz, and Steve Bensinger & Sue Vartanian

Special Guests: Vince Ruano and Mary Lovett

Meeting called to order 7:32pm.

Corrections to last month’s minutes:

  • Jim & Pat reported that former city manager Vince Ruano has a trust fund for sponsoring new pilots that he would like to discontinue. Vince is trying to see if he (and its board members) can donate the money (approx. $8,000) to our club. Vic Chewning, club treasurer, e-mailed that it would be fairly easy to open a new account that is 501(c)(3) compliant. (501(c)(3) is an educational organization; the club is currently 503(c)(7), a social organization.)
  • Motion made and seconded that the club convert to 501(c)(3). Motion passed.

Treasurer Report  Steve B. reported (for Vic Chewningthat the club bank balance is now$4959.55The Fly-in on September 24th netted a profit of $59.49 after purchasing all of items that were needed. However, we fed about 70 people and the 50/50 raffle money was donated back to the club.

Fly-in on October 29th – The “airport crawl” has not been arranged. The times of this fly-in have been changed to 8:30-10:30 so that we have time to fly to Bob White Field for lunch. 

Other business:

  • Vince Ruano would like to consider our group as one possible option for receiving a donation from the Ryan Ruano Aviation Foundation which was named in honor of his son (Facebook link here). The IRS allows a transfer of money as a “grantee”, but this requires a copy of our organization documents filed with the state and the IRS. Vince would like to make donation decisions by the end of the year, if possible.

Meeting adjourned 7:50pm.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 8th 7pm at Coyote Rojo

Future Fly-Ins (from website with calendar):

  • October 29th, 2016 9:00-11:00 AM at Flying W Air Ranch (9FL1)

Other up-coming events:

  • SERFI (Evergreen AL) October 21-23 (
  • November 12th, 2016 – Winter Haven’s Annual Fly-in and Williston’s Pig Roast
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