Meeting Minutes, March 10, 2015

Thanks to Karen (Peaches) Jones for taking the minutes in Sue’s absence.


3/10/15 Flying Foolz Mtg @ Coyote Rojo’s

Participants: Steve B, Karen J, Jim & Pat, Bill & Karen, Steve F, & Vic.

Meeting reminder was not sent out by Yahoo. Steve B doesn’t know why.

Pat Connell & I mentioned to Steve B that we are not receiving emails from him. Steve B said that he maintains two different web links to the Chapter’s info. One in Yahoo & the other at He can either add us directly or send an invite that must be accepted through Yahoo. He’ll check to see if we are in the database already & get back to us.

Steve B gave the treasury report. He mentioned that the Young Eagles’ committee has not turned in their receipts as yet.

Insurance Policy discussed at the January update: After much wrangling, Steve B received the policy & provided it to Dan & Joanne Springer. Steve B said that he thought the Springer’s were taking it to an attorney. Steve F motioned that any discussion be tabled until the April meeting, it was seconded & unanimously passed.

The chapter is a 501©(7). There are no special filings needed & nor will donations be a “tax exemption” to the donator. Donations could be a business tax write-off though.

Pat C 1st & Steve F 2nd the passing the January minutes & all were in favor.

Pat C said that there were two donations at/before the Young Eagles event. One was for $250 & the second was $50. The $50 was given to Rusty, at the event, to apply towards the table he built that was/will be used for the flight simulators or whatever computer needs the chapter needs.

Young Eagle event input sought by Pat C from the other chapter members.

Pat said that she only heard positive feedback during the event from participants. All agreed.

Wonderful newspaper article published.

Pat sent a Thank you to pilot Mike Woodley & other thank you(s) will be forthcoming.

YE committee has identified items for improvement for the next event.

YE committee is tentatively thinking November for the next event or December.

A question was raised that a parent wanted to go in a flight at the event & is that okay? Steve B said that with the completed registration form it would be okay. There was some discussion but all seemed agreeable.

March Wahoo Fly-in:

Ameriprize $900 donation has been changed to $250 by donator, via an email. Pat was upset as she planned on using some of that funding for the food.

The New Orleans brunch should go on as originally planned.

Discussed food costs & breakeven point (past events & this one.)

The decision was to charge $10/meal/person. It is critical that the cost be advertised in advanced as well as that it is a fund raiser. Individuals can go through the line more than one time.

A primary purpose of this event was to be a fund raiser for Young Eagles, according to Pat C.

If you have beads bring them to pass out, (From Neon Leon’s etc.)

Pat C said that there will be a 50/50 as well as multiple raffles. Karen J will be helping Sue V at the table for meal payment and the other ticket items.

It was brought up that other chapter members need to participate more directly in the activities done by members during the fly-ins. Steve B was tasked with the directive to do this, in the near future, because of the March fly-in.

Vic mentioned that he will be bringing 3 adults that will help.

Pat C said that she has some young individuals (4H or Scouts?) that will be helping.

Jim C brought up what he found out about AOPA insurance and his being a CFI. It could cost him $2,600 more annually to fly Young Eagles or others in his plane. Jim C spoke to someone, at AOPA, in Kansas that understood what a “Young Eagle” was. Vic added that Jim C is not “instructing” the Young Eagles, just providing them with a flight opportunity. Steve F said that the Young Eagles/passengers were not actively taking off or landing but he understood Jim’s concern & the exposure. Steve F explained that this was not the same issue with Jack Moore when Karen J asked. Steve B & Vic suggested that Jim C shop insurance through EAA/Falcon Insurance. Until Jim C makes an insurance decision he will not fly any Young Eagle.

Steve B provided the upcoming fly-outs. There was mention of a Cedar Key trip in April.

Meeting adjourned.

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